Thursday, October 28, 2010

Going out to lunch

This picture is of a back of a car. I tried to capture me in the back of the window but because i was holding the can it turned out blurry. It was fun to go off on our first adventure and be creative!

Pinhole Portrait

This photo was very difficult to take! I decided to make a funny face and after 20 seconds I regretted it... This was taken using a old coffee tin can with a small hole drilled in the front. When the tape is removed it allows light to fill the can and expose the photo paper with the image. This project was assigned to teach us how light captures our image onto the photo paper. the reason it is blurry is because no matter how hard you try and stay still, you still have to breath. Its impossible to stay perfectly still but for that reason we speed up our shutter speed so we can capture that exact moment.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Diamonds are a girls best friend.

This Photo-gram I made using a giant glass diamond and other various items. I moved the items around to create alternating shades of gray. I made this picture first; when I just started learning the photo process.

Let it bless

This picture we took with the enlargers. We brought in various items from home and placed them on our photo paper. We experimented with the timing of light exposure, to see how long we had to leave the light on to get an absolute black. This project was very fun and a good way to experiment with our new enlargers.